I am only one, But still I am one. I cannot do everything, But still I can do something; And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can doEdward Everett Hale

Saturday, January 30, 2010

UHTF Orphan / Update Summary

With help from Senator Hatch's Office, Haiti Prime Minister, Haiti First Lady, the US Ambassador, ICE agents, various orphan adoption agencies and many volunteers the Utah Hospital Task Force was able to get 141 orphans moved along the complex adoption process in Haiti. UHTF with help from Sun Charter stayed at the airport for hours until this process was complete. UHTF was successful in bringing 66 orphans back to the USA to their families that have been waiting for them for months. The remainder of the 141 are completing final paperwork and will soon be brought back by other orphan relief agencies. We again express our thanks to those who made it possible to unite these 66 orphans with their families.
We would like to thank all the volunteers that made this possible. This is only the beginning of our mission. Our group consists of 19 Doctors, 21 Nurses, 27 EMTs, 23 Construction and 38 Linguists with 45% (57) members of the total group being fluent in French / Creole. We plan to spend 21 days in Haiti Healing - people, buildings and the community. None of these people are paid - they all willingly took time off away from family and work to make this possible. Again we greatly thank all involved and are exited to hear about the good that is and will be accomplished.
(from UHTF website)

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