I am only one, But still I am one. I cannot do everything, But still I can do something; And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can doEdward Everett Hale

Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Wonderful Day

Today was a wonderful day! We got up and started the day with sacrament meeting at 7:00am. It lasted about 40 minutes. Then we went to the hospital for the rest of the day. I was assigned to translate in the surgical post op with 2 nurses. I spent 8 hours straight translating, changing bandages and doing wound care. We saw 25 patients. As I was working with these 25 people today it kept bringing back to me why I love the people of Haiti so much. They are such a humble and loving people. I was able to sit and comfort an 18 year old girl who had just come from having both of her legs amputated. Another young girl had fixation rods in her legs and both femurs. I just wanted to cry for both of them. 20 of the 25 patients we saw today had lost a limb and others had wounds where their flesh had been torn entirely off their foot. As I spoke to them and comforted them today my prayers went up to our Heavenly Father asking Him to comfort them. I only wish I could do more. When I asked the girls how they were, they responded I have nothing left but my faith in Jesus Christ. I knew at that moment what I am doing here in Haiti is what Christ would be doing if he were here in person.


  1. thanks for the updates, I know you're being blessed and protected!

  2. Wow, What a neat,strong thing you are doing. So proud of you. Thanks for keeping us updated.
